The Anointing of the Sick is performed by a priest when a person is sick or dying. The priest will anoint the person on the head and hands with blessed oil, and pray for God to heal and bless the sick person.
A serious illness can cause many people to lose faith in God and to feel hopeless. The Anointing of the Sick is a Sacrament that gains grace for the ill person, and assures them that God is always with His people, even in the most dire of situations.
Catholics who are very ill or at the point of death may call a priest for Anointing. People who have already received the Anointing of the Sick and have recovered may receive the Sacrament more than once if they become very sick again.
The Sacrament of Anointing has three reasons to be administered: to heal spiritually and perhaps physically, to aid in accepting the illness and to prepare for death. When we are sick and possibly in danger of death, or actually facing imminent death, God’s grace from the Sacrament of Anointing strengthens our souls and bodies in this vulnerable state to help us to heal or to die in the state of grace. We often speak of the Last Sacraments, or Last Rites, they are the Sacraments of Confession, Anointing and the Holy Eucharist. If death is imminent, and the person is able, the Sacrament of Confession is before the Anointing, then the Holy Eucharist is given as viaticum, “food for the journey.” If you are seriously ill, have been sick for a long period of time, are advanced in age or are facing a serious surgery you should receive these Sacraments. Please call Father at 608-782-7557, ext. 3, to make arrangements.
If a loved one is sick or dying, please call for the Sacrament of Anointing.
Pastor at: 608-782-7557, extension 5.
Grave illness brings with it a host of struggles: physical discomforts, lifestyle changes, mental anguish and emotional sensitivity. Facing the danger of death from illness - or simply from old age - also brings the spiritual challenge of wrestling with the reality of dying and the question of where we stand before God. The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick offers special graces – including strength, peace and courage - to lighten the burden of these very trials and to help us deepen our trust in God (cf. CCC #1520).
In continuing to celebrate the Anointing of the Sick, just as the first Apostles did, the Church carries out Christ’s command to heal the sick (cf. Mt 10:8). Of course physical healing can be part of this sacramental restoration if it is God’s will, but healing the sickness of the soul through the forgiveness of sins is primary. Thus this sacred anointing and the prayers accompanying it prepare a person to enter eternal life. In addition, this rite, which may be received more than once, gives illness itself a profound power by uniting the sufferings of the Christian to the sufferings of Christ himself (cf. CCC #1521).
“In the Cross of Christ not only is the Redemption accomplished through suffering, but also human suffering itself has been redeemed.”
Saint Pope John Paul II